
15% off

Currently, I’m running a special 15% discount off my Flying With Kindness Children’s Book. The current price is $21.98 plus 15% when you purchase thru my publisher This is the cheapest way to buy my book. With the discount it should bring you down to 18.61. I realize the cost of the book is a little high. Please keep in mind it’s a hard cover book and Amazon charge higher fees which require me to charge a little bit higher. I hope you realize the book subject matter is important and make up for the fees with a great children’s message.

It’s official

It’s official! Children’s book, “Flying With Kindness “ is release and available for preorder. This book took two years to finish and I’m excited to share the news to my fans for their support. Book Buzz! -The long wait is over! Eric Simmons is officially a newly minted author. Thrilling New Children’s Book,”Flying With Kindness” is available for pre-order. Order from this link, and you’ll get a 10% discount. Use coupon code U8HUN4 Check out Trailer video for preview   Warm wishes! Eric,

Book Giveaway

My book giveaway for children’s book Flying With Kindness has officially ended today September 15, 2019. To recap, last month a started a giveaway campaign for those who retweeted and followed me on Twitter to have a chance to win. Today I announce a winner from Canada. Therefore, the retweet campaign is over. A book signing even is scheduled in New York on Oct 5 at theMirror Tea House from 1-3 pm. 575 Union St. Brooklyn, NY

Press Release

Press Release: New Childrenʼs Book, “Flying with Kindness” Release To Coincide With Kindness Festival. For Immediate Release Sept 2, 2019 New York, NY Releasing this September to coincide with 10,000 Acts of Kindness Festival is a new children’s book written by author Eric Simmons. This children’s picture book “Flying with Kindness” assists parents with ways to encourage children to show kindness. As parents, we all remember that heart-warming moment our toddler first expressed empathy and kindness. Any parent who has had to deal with their sibling rivalry knows how frustrating it can be to encourage them to show kindness to each other. Kindness can be a challenging concept to teach children and requires patience.  This book is a great resource to help parents encourage kindness. The book takes you through a family’s journey to the Grand Canyon. Basil, the protagonist character, is a five-year-old kid with a strong personality. Kindness doesn’t come na...

Join us for a book signing!

Join us for a book signing. In about 33 days I will be having a book signing for my children’s book Flying With Kindness. It’s a children’s picture book about a boys travel adventure to the Grand Canyon. It’s a great book about teaching Toddlers kindness. The book signing will be held at the Mirror Tea House at 575 Union St, Brooklyn, New York at 1-3 pm on Saturday, Oct 5, 2019. There will be free giveaways, yummy treats and story-time. Looking forward to seeing you there.


On Sept 15, 2019 I’m offering a signed copy giveaway of my book,” Flying With Kindness “which is expected to be available for pre-orders by Sept 15. The book release date is Oct 5, 2019. I will also be offering a book signing on Oct 5, 2019 at the Tea House, 575 Union St in Brooklyn, NY. Flying With kindness took two years for me to write. It’s about a five year old boy struggling to show kindness into he meets an old lady that has a positive influence on him. Details on my book giveaway are below. GIVEAWAY! GIVEAWAY!  RT & Follow for a chance to win signed copy of Flying With Kindness. Rules: US/ Canada only By random drawing on Sept 15, 2019, ends 9/15/19 Winner will be DM #authorESimmons, # flyingwithkindness , #giveawaybytheforce

Join Us for Fun!

Join us for a fun book signing event, story time, and yummy treats. Oct 5, 2019, 1-3 pm @ MIRROR tea house- Park Slope, Brooklyn #bookbuzz,#booksigning, #AuthorESimmons Flying With Kindness Story: Sibling rivalry, a cranky little boy, and a frustrated mother could be any parent’s typical day.  “Flying With Kindness”, is a deeply moving story and travel adventure to the Grand Canyon. It’s a book about a boy name Basil and the normal sibling rivalry with his younger sister, Ava. Basil has a strong personality. In addition, kindness doesn’t seem to come natural for Basil.  Basil’s parents are trying to teach him the importance of kindness. He thinks kindness is too much work. By chance, Basil’s family meets an old lady, an encounter which set up a chain of events and teachable moments in kindness.  View our trailer: