Press Release

Press Release: New Childrenʼs Book, “Flying with Kindness” Release To Coincide With Kindness Festival.

For Immediate Release
Sept 2, 2019
New York, NY

Releasing this September to coincide with 10,000 Acts of Kindness Festival
is a new children’s book written by author Eric Simmons. This children’s picture book “Flying with Kindness” assists parents with ways to encourage children to show kindness. As parents, we all remember that heart-warming moment our toddler first expressed empathy and kindness.
Any parent who has had to deal with their sibling rivalry knows how frustrating it can be to encourage them to show kindness to each other. Kindness can be a challenging concept to teach children and requires patience.
 This book is a great resource to help parents encourage kindness. The book takes you through a family’s journey to the Grand Canyon. Basil, the protagonist character, is a five-year-old kid with a strong personality. Kindness doesn’t come naturally for Basil. Basils parents are trying to teach him the importance of kindness, but he thinks kindness is too much work. By chance, Basilʼs family meets an old lady – an encounter which sets up a chain of events and teachable moments in kindness.
 This is a great read aloud book to help your children learn to get along and share with one another. This book is especially suitable for young toddlers and is written for ages 2 to 8. Your child will want you to read this over and over again.
In his blurb review author Scott Medbury offers his insight:
 “’Flying with Kindness’ offers children a valuable lesson in kindheartedness and shows how one act of kindness can lead to another, and the positive effect on the recipient. It’s a beautiful, yet simply written story with eye-catching illustrations and, in a rare feat, the author has conveyed the overarching message in an entertaining but non-preachy manner. In a world much in need of a little compassion and understanding, this children’s book is a breath of fresh air.” – Scott Medbury, author of the “America Falls” series and father of four.
 Eric Simmons, the author of “Flying with Kindness,” is a man of many talents. He is a commercial airline pilot for a major air carrier. He is a first-time author of a children's book. Eric is a world traveler who was born and raised in New York but currently lives in Nevada. He has a successful fear-of-flying app called Turbcast that was mentioned on Fox News, and USA Today.
 “I developed my passion for writing after taking a Learning Annex course a decade ago. After seeing my toddler’s reaction when I read to him, it inspired me to write a children’s book. Writing has always been my second passion.”
 Eric attended college at Southern Illinois University after serving a brief period in military.
 “Flying with Kindness” is illustrated by Blueberry Illustrations and will be published by Bookbaby publisher. The book will be available for preorder on September 20, 2019on the author’s website.
 Information about the author and media kit can be found at You can contact me at (877) 787-0607or A book signing will be held on Saturday, October 5, 2019, 1 p.m., at the Mirror Tea House located at 575 Union St #A, Brooklyn, NY 11215.


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